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Zenit FC- Champion of Russia!
30.04.2012 14:48
Zenit FC- Champion of Russia!

Zenit FC has become the champion of the 2011/2012 Russian SOGAZ Premier League. In the Sunday match Zenit (St. Petersburg) beat Dynamo (Moscow) 2:1 to win the title three matches before the end of the season.

The main coach of Zenit FC Luciano Spalletti called the match a ‘masterpeice’. ‘We have reached a great result in this championship. It was not just a victory, we managed to come ahead of the best Russian teams. This is a masterpiece,’ he said.

Zenit has become the champion of Russia for the fourth time in the history of the Club.  

Goals: Roman Shirokov (30`), Alexander Kerzhakov (36`), Epureanu (43`). Zenit is back-to-back Russian champion for the first time.

Author: Irina Fomina

Tags: Russian football Zenit FC    

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