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Expedition from Petersburg to Searches for Sunken Bells
14.05.2012 12:19
Expedition from Petersburg to Searches for Sunken Bells

Historians and archeologists have got a real chance to find the place of sinking of bells of Solovetsky Monastery lost in 1923 under obscure circumstances.
      Many of these bells are 500 years old. In July the next expedition will start off from Petersburg.
      The site of 50 sunken bells of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery remains a secret for nearly 90 years. Tens of documents have been collected and a few exploratory expeditions have taken place. In 2006 the bell of the Anzersky hermitage of the Solovetsky Monastery was found in the White Sea; however it turned impossible to salvage it.
      A few months later one more expedition, the most large-scale is starting from Petersburg. Researchers say that this time the chances to find the bells are extraordinarily great.
Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Arkhangelsk Region Solovetsky Monastery Archeology Bells  

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