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Russians to Play Hockey on Aircraft Carrier
29.05.2012 10:11
Russians to Play Hockey on Aircraft Carrier

Russian VHL hockey league plans to hold a regular-season match on a working Russian Navy aircraft carrier.

      The VHL is a Russian farm league to the KHL. It is not very popular among Russian hockey fans, so the unusual match would be a PR coup for the league, according to German Skorlupov, VHL's managing director.

      The VHL hopes the Navy will agree to hold the match on flagship Admiral Kuznetsov carrier, which is based in the northern port of Murmansk and can carry up to 50 aircraft. One of the teams to take part will be St. Petersburg’s Navy club.

      However, the Navy still didn't comment on VHL's initiative, but the league hopes the idea will find supporters among Navy authorities.

      “The main thing is the atmosphere and the event,” spokesman Vitaly Panov said, adding that the quality of play could be affected by factors such as the wind.

      If the match holding is agreed it would be the first time that a professional hockey match has been held on a carrier. The similar action was held in U.S. in 2011, when President Barack Obama attended a college basketball game on the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson. VHL's members denied the idea had been inspired by the Americans.


Sources: RIA Novosti Image:

Author: Julia Alieva

Tags: Russian sport Russian hockey Russian Navy   

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