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Exhibition of the Famous Jack of Diamonds Opens in Moscow
7.06.2012 09:12
Exhibition of the Famous Jack of Diamonds Opens in Moscow

June 7 will see the opening of the exhibition of the famous art group Jack of Diamonds (Bubnovy Valet) in the Dom Nashchokina Gallery.
      The exhibition will present more than 80 canvasses and graphic works of the 1900s-1920s by the founders of the art group: Pyotr Konchalovsky, Ilya Mashkov, Aristarkh Lentulov, Robert Falk, and Vasily Rozhdestvensky, as well as exponent artists: Mikhail Larionov, Natalia Gontcharova, Dmitry Burliuk, Nadezhda Udaltsova, Olga Rozanova, and Yelena Potekhina. Most of the art works will be displayed in Moscow for the first time.
      The visitors will also see some of the props that the artists depicted in their well-known still lifes. The exhibition makes it possible to estimate the stylistic originality of the Jack of Diamonds artists and their stylistic unity as a group, as well as appreciate the enormous impact that these artists exerted on all the Russian painting of the 20th century, having then become classics of the Soviet painting.
      The exhibition runs till September 30.
Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Fine Arts Exhibitions in Moscow Russian Artists   

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