in the course of prospecting works in Old Russian settlements by the Mokraya Tabola River archeologists of the Kulikovo Field memorial estate unearthed a unique find.
During digging in the upper part of the ditch of a medieval construction they found a whole cast-iron caldron of the mid 15th century. It is the first whole cast-iron caldron found in more than 30-year old history of modern archaeological research of the Kulikovo Field.
Traces of numerous repairs of the copper testify that these imported wares were quite expensive for local dwellers.
Apart from this find archeologists have gathered a large collection of ceramics of the 13th - mid 14th centuries, found traces of medieval metallurgical production, more than 400 household items, tools, ornaments, and armaments of that time. The dating of archeologists of the acquired artifacts was confirmed by a silver coin minted under Khan Dzhanibek in the Gold Horde in 1351.
Author: Vera Ivanova