High art in a public lavatory: Izhevsk modern artists have decided to make the only stationary public toilet of the city profitable.
For this purpose they have decorated its interior walls with paintings and made diuretic tea.
From this Sunday on everyone can have tea and, having accumulated some potential, join art. “We, Izhevsk artists, have decided to help out this municipal enterprise and, we think that things will go smooth. We plan to arrange new exhibitions here every four months and we want to invite only great artists”, - the curator of the museum toilet Maxim Verevkin has shared his plans.
Now the toilet exhibition presents works by the ethnofuturist and professor of arts Sergey Orlov. So far, however, there is no craze about the art toilet.
Visitors come for traditional purposes, but, having noticed the paintings, get amazed at the unusual interior and are quick to take pictures.
Author: Vera Ivanova