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Monument to Frontman of Grazhdanskaya Oborona to Appear in Novosibirsk
28.08.2012 14:05
Monument to Frontman of Grazhdanskaya Oborona to Appear in Novosibirsk

Initiators of a monument to Yegor Letov (1964-2008) plan to unveil it on February 19 marking the anniversary of the famous rock musician’s death.

      August 25 saw a picket in support of the idea of setting up a monument to the cult Siberian musician Yegor Letov in Pervomaisk Square of Novosibirsk. The organizers have not yet decided where to set up the monument: it can be either the city center or the University Campus.

      The sculpture will depict young Yegor, with a guitar or not. The main thing is to make the sculpture dynamic and expressive. The initiative group plans to carry on with pickets to inform the population about the intentions and raise signatures and funds, of course.

      Besides, the fans of Yegor Letov negotiate with the initiators of the monument to Yanka Dyagileva – another cult figure of the Siberian rock movement.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Yegor Letov Russian Music Russian Rock Monuments to People  

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