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Pyotr Fomenko Museum Can be Opened in Moscow
10.09.2012 07:50
Pyotr Fomenko Museum Can be Opened in Moscow
Pyotr Fomenko

The head of Moscow Culture Department Sergey Kapkov has suggested opening the museum of the outstanding stage director Pyotr Fomenko

      Kapkov put forward the idea at the meeting of the troupe of Peter Fomenko's Studio.

      It is specified that the Moscow authorities intend to allocate funds for the museum or fund in order to collect all the master’s works and make them accessible to general public. It is planned to store the entire archive of Pyotr Fomenko, collect videos of rehearsals, his books and other paraphernalia.

      It is a reminder that the well-known stage director and teacher Pyotr Fomenko passes away, aged 80, on August 9 in Moscow.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Pyotr Fomenko Moscow Museums Moscow Theatres   

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