Museum of poetess Olga Berggolts has been opened at School No. 340 of Nevsky District in Saint Petersburg.
The museum was opened on the eve of the 70th anniversary since the break of Leningrad blockade. Olga Berggolts is called a muse of the blockade city. In the years of World War II she worked at the Leningrad radio.
The creation of the museum in the Nevsky District, where Olga Berggolts had grown up, was initiated by the district dwellers on the year of the poetess’ centenary. The idea was supported by staff of School No. 340, which housed a military hospital in the years of war.
Interior of the blockade room and Olga Berggolts' study room has been recreated in the museum and a memorial plaque for the poetess has been established. A part of the exposition is dedicated to the school.
Author: Vera Ivanova