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Literary Magazine of Boris Strugatsky Ceases to Exist
7.02.2013 15:10
Literary Magazine of Boris Strugatsky Ceases to Exist

The Vokrug Sveta publishing house has reported about the closure of the literary magazine Polden’(Midday). The 21st Century founded by the well-known science fiction writer Boris Strugatsky.

      The last issue of the almanac was published in February, 2013. The publishers have not mentioned the closing reasons.

      Messages on possible closure of the magazine appeared at the end of last year, soon after the death of its founder and permanent editor-in-chief Boris Strugatsky.

      The almanac Midday. The XXI century was published since May, 2002 in Helicon Plus publishing house, and since 2004 – in Vokrug Sveta publishing house. Till 2007 the magazine was issued once in two months, and then changed its format and started to come out monthly.

      Famous domestic sci-fi writers were members of the almanac’s literary editorial office.

      In 2012 one more Russian magazine dedicated to science fiction – Yesli (If) – ceased to exist. According to the official version, the magazine was compelled to be closed because of Internet pirates.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Boris Strugatsky Russian Magazines Science Fiction   

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