The Pushkin House in St. Petersburg will host a re-exposition of the Lermontov’s Hall of the Literary Museum by 2014 for the 200th anniversary since the birth of the Russian poet.
The Pushkin House has the world’s richest museum and hand-written collection of Mikhail Lermontov’s works. However, the existing premises and lack of due financing do not allow expanding or updating the exposition. According to the director, the Board of Trustees of the Pushkin House will help with the organization of events for Mikhail Lermontov's 200th anniversary.
The Pushkin House also plans organization of exit exhibitions of Lermontov’s materials in museums of Russia and overseas.
Let's remind that Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov (3 on October (15), 1814, Moscow - 15 on July (27), 1841, Pyatigorsk) was an outstanding Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, and officer. In 2014 Russia will celebrate the 200th anniversary since Lermontov’s birthday.
Author: Vera Ivanova