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Tatarstan Develops Tourism, Spends Nearly RUB 23bln
15.02.2013 14:26
Tatarstan Develops Tourism, Spends Nearly RUB 23bln

The Republic of Tatarstan designated nearly RUB 23bln to developing tourism in the country, of these two thirds come from external financing sources. 

      The tourism development programme for the years 2013-20166 will see the number of visitors to various areas of the Republic nearly double. From 1.2mln in 2011 the figure is expected to rise to 2.3mln by the end of the programme's implementation. 

      The development programme will be fostered by establishing special information centres and compiling and distributing advertising materials promoting the Republic and its tourist facilities. 

      Among the destinations of particularly high tourist potential will be the cities of Kazan, Elabuga, Sviyazhsk, and Bulgar. 

Author: Julia Shuvalova

Tags: Russian tourism Republic of Tatarstan    

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