On Wednesday, Moscow authorities gave official permission for an opposition rally to take place in the city center on Saturday, March 2.
The march, under the title “For the Rights of Muscovites,” has been announced by the leader of the Left Front movement Sergei Udaltsov. The organizers plan to gather up to 5,000 demonstrators.
The main theme of the march is various social problems of the capital's residents, including housing and utilities, and environmental and transport issues. After the march, opposition activists plan to hold a forum to choose candidates for the 2014 City Hall elections.
The approved march will start in downtown Strastnoi Boulevard at 2 p.m. and end at Prospect Akademika Sakharova.
It is interesting that another rally is planned on the same day. Pro-Kremlin activists will take part in the march against foreign adoptions under the slogan “In Defense of Children.”
Author: Julia Alieva