A collapse of a historical monument of wooden architecture - Fire Depot – occurred in Vasilevo Estate, the Torzhok District of the Tver Region.
According to employees of the depot, last winter snow was never brushed off from the roof of the unique wooden monument.
As a result the building of Fire Depot built in 1912 and transported to Vasilevo from Laptikha Village of the Bezhetsky Disctrict of the Tver Region, collapsed under the weight of snow.
At present the ruined place has been fenced with tapes. There is no data on the further destiny of the destroyed monument.
The architectural and art ensemble of the Vasilevo Estate appeared in the Torzhok District on the bank of River Tvertsa at the end of the 18th century. The open-air State Ethnographic Museum was established there in 1976. Masterpieces of wooden architecture of the 18th – early 19th centuries were brought there from different areas of the Tver Region. The museum exposition includes about two dozens of wooden architecture monuments.
Author: Vera Ivanova