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Exhibition of Eastern Puppets Held in Petersburg
12.03.2013 11:38
Exhibition of Eastern Puppets Held in Petersburg

An exhibition of dolls from southeastern puppet theaters of the last century has been opened in Petersburg since Monday March 11.

      It presents unique exhibits, such as marionettes, rod-puppets, and glove puppets from India, Burma, Indonesia and Nepal. 

      Several decades ago these puppets were the main characters of street theatrical performances. A white elephant and god Ganesh, a snake charmer and fantastic dancers are not just toys. They were created in accord with astrological forecasts and upon termination of theatrical career they were not thrown away but were buried like people. These particular dolls are fortunate to have become part of a collection of the Petersburg Dolls Museum.

      The dolls made by masters with special awe and love, will tell about history and traditions, fears and beliefs of their homeland better than any textbooks. Videos demonstrated in the course of the exhibition, will add to the atmosphere of an oriental theater.

      The exhibition runs in the Small Hall of the Petersburg Dolls Museum till May 5, 2013.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Dolls Burma Exhibitions in St. Petersburg India Indonesia 

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