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St. Petersburg Authorities Want to Get Rid of Porcelain Cemetery
13.03.2013 13:41
St. Petersburg Authorities Want to Get Rid of Porcelain Cemetery

Spaso-Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery of Imperial Porcelain Plant was located on a site in Nevsky District of Petersburg from 1731.

      In 1927 it was closed, and in a few years was liquidated. In the Soviet years the Satellite movie theater was built on this site and a mini-park was founded around it. A company entering into Conrad group has acquired this site and plans to demolish the movie theater, and construct a multipurpose leisure and family complex instead of it.

      At the beginning of the year activists who consider that, according to the legislation, there can be only a mini-park in the territory of the former cemetery, reported about cutting down of trees and new construction. Local dwellers undertook a few protest actions. Then the governor of Petersburg reported that city authorities would not allow the complex construction on the site of the former cemetery if it is confirmed that there are burials in this area. As a result they have not found any burials.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Archeology Infill Building Old St. Petersburg   

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