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Historical Buildings in Moscow May be Turned into Parking Lots
19.03.2013 15:36
Historical Buildings in Moscow May be Turned into Parking Lots

Mechanized parking lots with around 100 car places each will be built right in historical buildings recognized as architecture monuments in the center of Moscow. The city has already got relevant proposals from investors.

      The historical building in Pechatnikov Lane (a former guest house of the 19th century) may become the first parking of the kind.

      — It is improbable that such a project can be implemented without breaking the law — the coordinator of Archnadzor movement Natalia Samover states.

      — Every monument of architecture has a protected area, and works there must be limited to restoration. A parking lot can be made only in such a memorial building, the external character of which is the only object of legal protection. But there are few such houses in Moscow. In most cases the protection area extends to interior premises as well.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Archnadzor Old Moscow Parking Moscow Architecture  

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