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Archeologists Find about 350 Artifacts in Yard of Moscow Hotel
4.06.2013 08:44
Archeologists Find about 350 Artifacts in Yard of Moscow Hotel

Archeologists have found about 350 artifacts in the Pekin Hotel yard in the center of Moscow.

      As a result of excavation about 350 finds of historical value have been unearthed; the finds will later be transferred to a museum.

A joiner's workshop of the 19th century was found in the excavation pit. Archeologists found pharmaceutical bottles, coins, stove tiles, leather footwear, a bag, a fork, fragments of candlesticks and a large number of bottles.

      Behind the Peking Hotel on a 1.7 hectare site, where excavation was carried out, construction of two new hotel buildings is planned.  Restoration of the Peking Hotel building will begin in 2014 and last for about three years. 

      The Peking Hotel was constructed in the 1950s according to Dmitry Chechulin’s project and is an architecture monument. In the course of works all architectural and historical elements will be preserved, and the hotel appearance will not change.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Archeology Old Moscow Moscow Hotels   

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