The Crescendo Music Festival concerts will be held in the Sochi Winter Theater from July 19 to July 21.
The festival program includes two symphonic gala concerts on July 19 and 20 and the jazz show Classics and Jazz on July 21. Gala concerts will present well-known symphonic works, such as Slavic March by Tchaikovsky, Concert No. 2 for Piano with Orchestra by Rakhmaninov, Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin, as well as music masterpieces by Mendelssohn, Haydn, Mozart and Chopin.
The State Symphonic Orchestra of the Tatarstan Republic will accompany venerable “intercontinental” musicians, such as Boris Brovtsyn, Graf Murzha and Maxim Rysanov, Ekaterina Mechetina, and the young talented violoncellist Anastasia Kobekina, who is already acknowledged in the West.
The festival will be crowned with the show Classics and Jazz, in which academic musicians will express their emotions in jazz – a genre unusual for them. Visitors will enjoy jazz improvisations and a vibrant instrumental mix of the violoncello, percussions, alpine horn, piano, bayan, and violin.
The festival program includes two symphonic gala concerts on July 19 and 20 and the jazz show Classics and Jazz on July 21. Gala concerts will present well-known symphonic works, such as Slavic March by Tchaikovsky, Concert No. 2 for Piano with Orchestra by Rakhmaninov, Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin, as well as music masterpieces by Mendelssohn, Haydn, Mozart and Chopin.
The State Symphonic Orchestra of the Tatarstan Republic will accompany venerable “intercontinental” musicians, such as Boris Brovtsyn, Graf Murzha and Maxim Rysanov, Ekaterina Mechetina, and the young talented violoncellist Anastasia Kobekina, who is already acknowledged in the West.
The festival will be crowned with the show Classics and Jazz, in which academic musicians will express their emotions in jazz – a genre unusual for them. Visitors will enjoy jazz improvisations and a vibrant instrumental mix of the violoncello, percussions, alpine horn, piano, bayan, and violin.
Author: Vera Ivanova