Final certification of a new attraction is taking place in Gorky Park in Perm.
On August 8, a “Prehistoric 3D-Oceanarium" was opened in Maxim Gorky Central Amusement Park, where one can see giant inhabitants of ancient seas and oceans. The oceanarium is a maze of 8 screens placed on top of each other, looking like huge aquariums. 3D-effect is reached due to special screen structure – as a result it creates the effect of full immersion. Prehistoric marine creatures of actual size are shown in their natural habitat. The total area of the "Prehistoric 3D-Oceanarium" is 400 square meters and the size of each screen is 9 square meters (4x2.25 meters). Attraction subsumed to the “0 +” age category. The cost of admission to oceanarium will be 200 rubles. Up to 100 persons can visit attraction at the same time.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina