A 1-hour documentary film based on interviews with the leading teachers of classical yoga in Russia tells about the ancient Indian practice as a way of living in the conditions of modern megalopolis.
It is not a secret that people in Russia often resort to yoga practice in order to get rid of addictions, such as, for example, alcoholism.
Lots of women go to flex and stretch in a yoga center to become fit. As the yoga teacher Gyananda Giri points out, there are many more women than men in yoga classes.
Some people come to yoga in their spiritual quest: yoga unfolds the abundant and profound realm of ancient Vedic philosophy for them. Whatever the reasons can be, yoga definitely changes the quality of human life for the better, the film makers and characters are sure.
The Russian Yogis is the second serious attempt to tell general public about yoga. The film title refers to Almar Serebrenikov’s documentary The Indian Yogis — Who Are They? (1970), which aroused great interest in yoga in the Soviet community.
Author: Vera Ivanova