MSU scientists investigated the unusual type of superconductive pairing.
Russian scientists from the Moscow State University (MSU) theoretically proved the possibility to experimentally distinguish the symmetry of the order parameter in the new high-temperature superconductors based on iron. Their article written in cooperation with foreign colleagues was published in the scientific journal “Superconductor Science and Technology”.
The authors of the article show it in theory how the analysis of current-voltage characteristics of a normal metal contact with the new iron-containing high-temperature superconductor makes it possible distinguish the symmetry of the order parameter therein, and thus to explore the mechanisms causing the superconductivity in these materials, which in turn will let them explore the ways to increase the critical temperature therein. One of the authors, Igor Devyatov, a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the Senior Researcher of the MSU Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics named after D.V. Skobelitsyn, explained that their work required the use of modern methods of theoretical physics of condensed matter, which describe both unusual types of superconductive pairing in unusual superconductors and coherent transport in weak links on their basis.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina