Karymsky Volcano on Kamchatka threw ash up to a height of 1.5 km above sea level in early January. The Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) gave the second highest orange color code of aviation hazard to the volcano. All services ensuring flights safety were alerted. For the past day no ash emissions have been registered on Kamchatka, but the seven volcanoes still show increased activity.
The hazard for aviation may come from the volcanoes Gorely, Kluchevskoy, Shiveluch, Karymsky, Bezymyannyi, Kizimen, Ploskii Tolbachik.
In addition, a storm warning has been reported in the region. During the upcoming weekend an avalanche-prone situation will persist in mountain areas of Kamchatka, in particular, on the territory of the Kronotsky Reserve, Ust-Kamchatsky, Milkovskiy districts and near the volcanoes Vilyuchinsky, Kozelskiy, Koryak and Avachinskiy.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina