The State Literary Museum in Moscow has opened the exhibition Alexander Vertinsky. Legend of the Century.
It is timed to the 125th anniversary since the birth of the outstanding actor, singer and songwriter, the unique “Russian Pierrot”.
The exhibition has been organized jointly with Alexander Vertinsky’s daughter - the People’s Actress of Russia Anastasia Vertinskaya and the artist Yuri Kouper.
Visitors will see a set of posters, photos and materials telling about Vertinsky’s friendship with Fyodor Shalyapin, Anna Pavlova, Rina Zelenaya and many others.
Vertinsky’s bow necktie, hairbrush, music scores, cigarettes, clock that used to play an English song in his study room, the desk he worked at, archival documents, photos, and films featuring him... In addition to that, the soundtrack of him singing creates the atmosphere of that time.
The exhibition in the State Literary Museum in 17, Trubnikovsky Lane runs till May 30, 2014.
Author: Vera Ivanova