The traditional exhibition fair Books of Russia will take place at the All-Russia Exhibition Centre from March 26 to March 30.
The best printed materials by federal and regional publishing houses will be available there at minimum prices.
The most expected event of the fair will be the anti-award Paragraph. Books with the worst translation, editing and proofread will be handed a bronze figurine, whereas the leader among outsiders will be awarded with The Full Paragraph. Last year the main “prize” went to the book Led Zeppelin. The Illustrated Biography by Gareth Thomas and Elvis. The Illustrated Biography by Marie Clayton. The jury marked those books for repetitions, lipography and case grammar mess-up.
The main news is that visitors are invited to all the events of the exhibition fair on all days for free. Earlier only students, school pupils and pensioners were offered reduced price entrance.
The exhibition fair runs in Pavilion No. 69 of the All-Russia Exhibition Centre in Moscow.
Author: Vera Ivanova