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Photo Exhibition of Diane Arbus Opened in Moscow
28.03.2014 14:28
Photo Exhibition of Diane Arbus Opened in Moscow

The Multimedia Art Museum has opened an exhibition of works by Diane Arbus in the framework of the Photo Biennale 2014.

      The exposition presents 10 photos taken by Diane Arbus in 1970, one year before her suicide.

      She had to go through thousands of still negatives and photos to select these few works into a portfolio. Unlike many masters’s life, the fate of Diane Arbus was inseparable from her creativity, which conveys both delicacy and sensitivity to divergence from standard. Diane Arbus personally suffered from clinical depression.

      At the same time Diane Arbus imperceptibly made the most impressive revolution in the history of photography and art as a whole.  Long before her surrealists tried to discover the source of creative energy in the unconscious.

      The exhibition will run till April 26.

Author: Vera Ivanova

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