British star Sarah Brightman has been reported to be the picked as the next space tourist, says
According to the online news outlet, the 53-year-old female singer has booked her ticket to the orbit with Space Adventures, a private firm that deals with space tourists on behalf of Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos.
The price of the travel in the Soyuz rocket and a 10-day stay aboard the International Space Station will cost Brightman $52 million, said Tom Shelly, president of Space Adventures.
The singer is scheduled to begin her training at a dedicated center in the Moscow Region as early as this autumn so that she’s fit and ready to fly in September 2015.
Brightman has been thrilled with space for some time now, with her latest tour, Dreamchaser, centering on the theme. According to her website, “this incredible concert, which features the beauty and wonderment of space, has been seen by many fans from around the globe.”
If she goes ahead with her dream and is found fit enough by the medical team, she would become the eighth space tourist to visit the ISS. The president of Space Adventures revealed that the next on the list is Google’s Sergey Brin.
Author: Mikhail Vesely