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War that Put an End to the World Displayed in MMAM
4.07.2014 20:20
War that Put an End to the World Displayed in MMAM

The Moscow Multimedia Art Museum opens the exhibition War that Put an End to the World.

      The project is dedicated to the 100th anniversary since the beginning of World War I. The visitors will see reconstruction of the events of 1914-1918.

      The exposition includes photos, stereo projections, autochromes and color photos, newsreels and audio records, Russian and French magazines of the wartime, leaflets, caricatures, posters and lithographs created by Kazimir Malevich, Aristarkh Lentulov, and Vladimir Mayakovsky.

      As for photos, the exposition consists of pictures taken by war correspondents and amateur photographers. Among the last ones there is the physicist Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov, who later became the president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and the Italian princess Anna Maria Borghese, one of the first female photographers to take photos in the epicenter of military operations.

      The exhibition runs from July 4 to October 19.


Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Exhibitions in Moscow Moscow Multimedia Art Museum World War I   

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