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Joseph Brodsky Museum to Appear in St. Petersburg
10.07.2014 15:52
Joseph Brodsky Museum to Appear in St. Petersburg

The museum apartment of the Nobel Prize winner Joseph Brodsky will be opened in Liteyny Avenue in St. Petersburg in May 2015.

      The idea of creating the museum of the renowned poet in the apartment, where he lived from 1955 till his emigration in 1972, goes back to December, 1998. The apartment still harbors the interior of the time of Joseph Brodsky living there.  However, there is a need for restoration and repair.

      The museum apartment will present the poet’s paraphernalia, his letters from exile to relatives, autographs, and archival photos. A multimedia hall demonstrating movies about the Nobel Prize winner is also planned to be made. 

The visitors will plunge into the atmosphere of those years and learn more about the historical epoch and the legendary poet.


Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Russian Poetry Russian Poets Joseph Brodsky St.Petersburg Museums  

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