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“Our Body. The Universe Within” Displayed in Moscow
8.09.2014 13:44
“Our Body. The Universe Within” Displayed in Moscow

Afimall City shopping center has opened the exhibition Our Body. The Universe Within.

It is one of the most sensational exhibitions of the world. In 6 years of its existence the exposition has toured in Washington, Ontario, Los Angeles, Santiago, Costa Rica and other cities, having gathered the audience of more than two million people altogether. The scientific and educational exhibition makes it possible for visitors to take a look literally “under the skin” of the human being and see what a unique and perfect mechanism our body is.

The exposition includes about 200 objects. All the exhibits are real human bodies and organs that were subjected to polymer plastination. The basic principle of this polymeric method consists in replacing all the liquids in an organism with silicone. It preserves a live look of the body tissues and organs and even the most subtle structures.

The exhibition runs till January 10.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Scientific Exhibitions Anatomy Exhibitions in Moscow   

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