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12000 Year-Old Ship Found by Archeologists near Gelendzhik
3.10.2014 13:02
12000 Year-Old Ship Found by Archeologists near Gelendzhik

Researchers of the Cosmopoisk NGO suppose that the ship they found at the bottom of the Black Sea might be Noah's Ark.

      The find is a long stone rectangle 40 meters thick.

      “We decided to look for Noah's Ark near Gelendzhik because it is mentioned in the Old testament that the Ark remained on the Mount Ararat, which was later overwhelmed by waters of the Black Lake. There is only one large natural reservoir with such a name and it is here”, - the coordinator of Cosmopoisk NGO Vadim Chernobrov reported to journalists.

      In addition to it, in the vicinities of Gelendzhik there is a mountain named Ararat. May be it is the one pointed out in the Bible story?

      Not far from the strange object researchers have also found a few ancient anchors buried in sand. It turns out that this place turned to be a trap not only for the Ark, but for ancient seafarers as well.

Sources: http://www :// 

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Krasnodar Territory Black Sea Archeological Finds Noah's Ark  

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