The Russian scientists have developed a unique system of lowering of the rover to the surface of the Red Planet for the international “ExoMars” project, as the Head of the Space Research Institute of RAS Lev Zelyony told.
“Our European colleagues want to get the maximum security for the rover, so that it could land to the surface of Mars and ride in any direction, if necessary. We have developed such a system. It is resolved that two ramps will be produced to help the rover ride off the landing platform which is also equipped with our instrumental complex” – Zelyony said.
In the spring of 2012 the European Space Agency and the Federal Space agency of the Russian Federation have agreed on the joint implementation of the “ExoMars” program. The project involves the launch of the TGO (Trace Gas Orbiter) with the help of a Russian “Proton” rocket in 2016, the orbiter being designed for the study of trace gases of the atmosphere and the distribution of the water ice in the soil on Mars, as well as the landing of the demonstration EDM module (ExoMars Entry, Descent and Landing Demonstrator Module) on the surface and the sending of the landing platform with the rover in 2018. The goals of the rover are geological investigations and the search for traces of life around the landing site.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina