The Moscow Zoo launches new tours of the exhibition “The Secrets of the Rainforest”. The first part of the tour takes place in a greenhouse, in a tropical jungle with palm trees, ficuses, lianas.
“The second part of the tour takes you to the world of amphibians, show you a bright poison-arrow frog, a giant toad, a mysterious Congo eel and many others. And then you go to our new exhibition where you see moths and other small nocturnal inhabitants of the jungle, in the light of a flashlight you will explore tropical butterflies, grasshoppers, scorpions, hear the singing of the cicadas, hold the cocoons of silkworm and of the world’s largest butterfly – Atlas moth – in your own hands”- the administration of the zoo explains. The residents and the guests of Moscow can order one of three tour routes: “Greenhouse” and “Night Jungle”, “Greenhouse” and “Exhibition of Amphibians” or all three expositions together. The group size is up to 15 people. The tour duration makes up 1 hour 15 minutes.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina