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Opera Nutcracker to Premiere in Moscow
23.12.2014 15:26
Opera Nutcracker to Premiere in Moscow

December 24 will see the premiere of The Nutcracker opera timed to the 175th anniversary since the birth of Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

      As the opera music director Dmitry Yurovsky reported at the press conference, this event is a dream that have come true. This interesting, magic and fairy-tale like performance is set to wonderful music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

      The choreographer and producer Alla Sigalova is one of the project authors: it was her idea to create the opera from the famous ballet score. She was supported by the costume designer and the libretto coauthor Pavel Kaplevich. The lyrics were written by the poet Demyan Kudryavtsev.

      According to the producers, the stage production has embraced all the music pieces composed by Pyotr Tchaikovsky for the ballet. The best soloists, such as A. Neklyudov and A. Breus perform parts in the opera.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Russian Opera Pyotr Tchaikovsky Opera Classical Music  

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