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No Quotas for Russian Movies in Crisis Time
25.02.2015 21:05
No Quotas for Russian Movies in Crisis Time

Russia's Ministry of Culture has taken the decision to temporarily put aside the idea of introducing quotas for Russian movies distributed in the country's cinemas due to difficult economical situation.

      According to Russia's Minister of Culture, Vladimir Medinsky, the movie theatres and distributors have managed to convince him that quoting is a bad idea right now.

      Earlier Medinsky has repeatedly said that the negative effect from quoting will be mediate and of a short term.

      "However, our movie industry currently shows very good results in the theatres, which means it can manage without quotas for the time being", Medinsky said.

      Russian authorities have repeatedly discussed the question of introducing quotas for distribution of Russian movies. In January 2014, Vladimir Medinsky proposed to oblige Russian cinema theatres to give Russian movies not less than 20% of time in the whole repertoire.

      In July 2014, Medinsky decided to postpone the final decision on the quotas question till the spring 2015. The decision was expected to be taken based on results of box-office returns in 2014.


Author: Julia Alieva

Tags: Russian culture Russian cinema Russian movies crisis  

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