The Shnit International Short Film Festival will run in the Culture Center of the Tomsk State University on June 19.
Eight short films by directors from Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, France, and Germany will take part in the festival demonstration. The films will be screened in the original languages with Russian subtitles.
“It is not really festival, but rather a festival demonstration. This year we are holding the event in the test mode to attract the viewers”, – the organizer Elena Konova explained.
In addition, the organizers plan to arrange Skype communication with one or two film directors participating in the program.
“The Shnit International Short Film Festival positions itself as provocative, extraordinary, and stylish. However, we assure that there will be no reprehensible films in it. We will show the films that give an unusual viewpoint on this or that social problem”, – the festival organizer Sergey Zakharenko explains its concept.
It should be noted that all the films on the festival program list are for adults only.
The festival details can be found here.
Author: Vera Ivanova