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European Premiere of Ballet about Frida Kahlo Took Place in St. Petersburg
6.07.2015 18:42
European Premiere of Ballet about Frida Kahlo Took Place in St. Petersburg

Soloists of the Mariinsky Theatre and the Berlin State Theater performed the premiere of the ballet Infinita Frida on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre.

      For the first time the ballet by the choreographer Yury Smekalov was staged in the Mexican Tekskoko in 2013.

      The ballet arrived in St. Petersburg for the European premiere on July 5 and 6. In order to bring back to life the artist and her story, the stage directors use fragments of paintings by the legendary Frida Kahlo, as well as her sketches and diary records.

      The leading party is performed by Elisa Carrillo Cabrera.




Author: Vera Ivanova


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