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Grandpa Mazay to Become Symbol of Kostroma Region
30.07.2015 12:38
Grandpa Mazay to Become Symbol of Kostroma Region

An island in the Kostroma Region may be named after Grandpa Mazay, the famous character of poem by Nikolay Nekrasov. 

Such an idea occurred to members of the Interregional Archaeological Scientific Expedition taking place in the Kostroma Region since the middle of July. The historians, archeologists, graduate students and students participating in the expedition decided that Vyozhi Site of the 13th century ought to be renamed in honour of Grandpa Mazay.  

Researchers claim that there was a real historical prototype of the kind-hearted book character that saved hares from spring floods. Vyozhi stands on upland and the surrounding lower area used to be flooded during high water season, thus causing hundreds of animals to perish. So Nikolay Nekrasov’s poem about Grandpa Mazay can be fully trusted, especially taking into account all the legends preserved by locals there.

Regional authorities do not object to renaming the island and representatives of the Russian Geographic Society are already preparing the documents required for it to happen. 


Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Kostroma Kostroma Region Nikolay Nekrasov   

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