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Regional Subsidies for Multi-Child Families Increased
7.10.2015 13:44
Regional Subsidies for Multi-Child Families Increased

Russian government has increased regional family subsidies by 820 million rubles.

      These are meant for monthly payments to large families with three or more children. The corresponding order was published on the site of the Cabinet of Ministers.

      "In connection to the growing number of the families eligible for benefit and increased cost of living for children in the federal subjects the overall amount of budgetary provisions has been augmented up to 13 686,9 million rubles" — the explanatory note to the document reads.

      "The decision will make it possible to provide payments to the families in need of support in the fedearl subjects with adverse demographic situation", it specifies.

      The list of subjects with adverse demographic situation includes 53 regions of Russia, among them the Rostov, Samara, and Sakhalin Regions, the city of Sevastopol, and others.



Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Subsidies Demographic Situation Multi-Child Families   

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