The short-length animated film We Can't Live without Space by the Russian director Konstantin Bronzit has made its way into the short list of the Oscar award.
The animated film tells about two friends, who dream of space flights and make their best to attain this goal. Earlier this work was already noted at several festivals and Konstantin Bronzit was awarded an international award for the film scenario and direction.
Other films competing for Oscar in the same nomination are as follows: Bear Story (Chile), Carface (Canada), If I Were God (Canada), Love in the Time of March Madness (Australia), My Home (France), An Object at Rest (the USA), Prologue (Canada and Great Britain), Sanjay’s Super Team (the USA) and The World of Tomorrow (the USA).
On January 14, 2016 the American Academy will anounce five nominees for Oscar in this category.
Author: Vera Ivanova