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Petersburg Theater Had to Cancel its Tour in Turkey
4.12.2015 18:56
Petersburg Theater Had to Cancel its Tour in Turkey

Due to cancellation of four performances in Istanbul the St Petersburg Ballet Theatre will lose about 26,5 million rubles.

      The ballet troupe of Konstantin Tachkin has cancelled its scheduled tour in Istanbul "in connection with the aggravated political situation".

      Four performances that make the basis of the company's repertoire were expected to be held in the capital of Turkey in December of this year. Petersburg ballet dancers were to perform The Swan Lake in Tim Show Centre on December 3 and 4, Giselle on December 4 and The Sleeping Beauty on December 5.

      "It was not an easy decision to cancel performances; until the last moment the theater hoped to fulfill its obligations to the Turkish ballet lovers, but the determining factor was the responsibility for dancers' security. Nevertheless, the theater management expects that over time the situation will be fixed and it will allow the troupe to tour in Istanbul again" — the theatre's press service reported.


Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Russian Ballet     

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