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Astronauts Could not Get out of Space Capsule Upon Return from ISS
2.03.2016 15:47
Astronauts Could not Get out of Space Capsule Upon Return from ISS

Experts helped Russian and American astronauts to get out of space capsule after returning from the Internatinal Space Station.

      The astronauts Sergey Volkov and Mikhail Korniyenko from Russia and Scott Kelly from the USA, who came back from  the expedition on the ISS needed assistance to get out of the capsule of the SoyuzTMA-18M spaceship.

      It is reported that according to the plan the astronauts were expected to get out of the capsule independently in order to imitate landing on the Mars, but they could not. The space capsule landed at the 147 km distance from the city of Jezkazgan in Kazakhstan. Rescuers arrived at the site and took the spacemen out of the capsule.

      Mikhail Korniyenko and Scott Kelly spent 11 months at the orbiting ISS. Now they are to undergo a course of rehabilitation.


Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: International Space Station Russian Astronauts Mikhail Kornienko Sergey Volkov  

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