The animated film Before Love directed by Igor Kovalyov has taken the grand prize of the Russian animation award Icarus.
The film tells about loneliness and dissociation of people in the modern world.
Igor Kovalyov has been announced the best director. Besides, the animation Before Love has also won prizes for sound direction (Ivan Titov) and work of the artist (Dmitry Malanichev). Its producers Irina Fomchenko, Elena Malenkina, and Alexey Bondar have also taken the Icarus award.
Creators of the animated film Andrey Hizhina and His Grief - namely Stepan Biryukov, Svetlana Zimina, Tatyana Kiselyova and Tatyana Podgorskaya - have been recognized the Animators of the Year. The composer Andrey Semenov has also been awarded for work on the same animated film.
Dina Velikovskaya has got the Best Scenario award for the animation About Mom.
Author: Vera Ivanova