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Russia Prepares for its First Manned Landing on the Moon
19.03.2017 22:47
Russia Prepares for its First Manned Landing on the Moon

The Russian space corporation Roscosmos is going to make the first manned landing on the Moon.

      Now, experts are developing a special project and recruiting professionals who will potentially be able to conduct a controlled-landing operation and a subsequent return. For this purpose, about 10 probationers with experience in the field of aviation, engineering, and space industry are required. The candidates will undergo special selection tests. Then, intensive preparation will begin until the candidates are reduced to four.

      Those who have received the job will be able to operate Russia's space shuttle and go on a mission to the Moon. The flight is scheduled for 2023.



Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Roscosmos Flights to the Moon Spacecrafts   

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