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Despite Obstacles, Alexey Uchitel Completed Editing of Matilda
28.04.2017 20:18
Despite Obstacles, Alexey Uchitel Completed Editing of Matilda

Russian film director Alexei Uchitel has completed editing of his scandalous new film, despite obstacles in the form of Natalia Poklonskaya and the Prosecutor General's Office.

      The director himself shared this information in his speech at the Russian State Library.

      The film hinges on the love affair of Emperor Nicholas II and ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, the relationship that faced persecution and deprecation by both courtiers and the people.

      Alexey Uchitel said that the film will be released in one and a half month, but broadcasted not before 2018.

      Natalia Poklonskaya expressed her disapproval of this film even before its completion, citing episodes allegedly "insulting the feelings of believers" as an argument. She even sent the film tape to the Prosecutor General's Office for examination, which resulted in a verdict upsetting for the film director. The film should be banned because the image of the canonized Russian Orthodox church of Emperor Nicholas II as shown in the film both offends  religious people and depreciates all the moral standards.



Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Nicholas II Romanovs Dynasty Alexey Uchitel   

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