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Russians Reduce Their Expenditures
17.07.2017 11:16
Russians Reduce Their Expenditures

The share of Russians who reduced their expenditures on medical services and drugs has risen from six to 16 percent during the year. According to a study, 39 percent of the citizens have to save on food products (43% in 2016).

      At the same time the share of people saving on delicacies has grown: it has increased from 23 to 30 percent during the year, the share of those saving on journeys — from 21 to 30 percent, on entertainment (from 20 to 30 percent), restaurants (from 8 to 20 percent), gadgets (from 8 to 15 percent).

      In addition, the growth continued in the share of Russians saving on the expenditures on clothing and footwear (31 to 33 percent), cosmetics (11 to 15 percent), alcohol and cigarettes (15 to 21 percent).


Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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