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Shrovetide Festival In Yaroslavl
30.01.2018 10:27
Shrovetide Festival In Yaroslavl

 The guests of the main Shrovetide festival of the country in Yaroslavl will be able to participate in a tea party with the largest Russian samovar fueled by firewood which may be included into the Book of Records of Russia, as TASS reported.

      “Last year we baked the largest number of pancakes and got into the Book of Records of Russia. This year we have prepared the largest Russian samovar fueled by firewood” - Vladimir Sleptsov, the Mayor of Yaroslavl, the President of the Union for the Development and Interaction of Towns of the Golden Ring of Russia, said. He added that the Mayors of all towns included into the Golden Ring of Russia would visit the festival. The Mayor of Yaroslavl also noted that it was expected that the festival would be visited by more than 40 thousand tourists.



Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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