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The Main Problems Worrying Russians Were Named
13.02.2018 00:49
The Main Problems Worrying Russians Were Named

The first place in the rating of people’s problems-2017 was occupied by poverty, low salaries and decrease in incomes, as 60 percent of Russians stated. These are the results of a poll conducted by the “Romir” research holding.

      The second place is taken by price growth and inflation: 56 percent of respondents complained about these. The third place in the rating was divided by unemployment and corruption which bother more than a third of the population: 36 percent each.

      “The main reasons worrying Russians remain unchanged over the past few years, but the severity of these problems has slightly decreased over the past year” - the materials of the holding note. In 2016 more respondents - 66 respondents - spoke of poverty, a share of those concerned price growth was higher and made up70 percent. The majority of people concerned about prices, poverty, problems with housing and communal services are citizens with low incomes, pensioners and residents of small towns. Unemployment more often bothers Russians younger than 24 years old.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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