Romir: only 8% of Russians spare no expense. The residents of the country began to save more on clothes and recreation, but they are less prone to save on food. Only 25% of the country's residents redistribute expenditures in favor of food and essential goods - 4 years ago there were 32% of them.
Thus, the number of those who save on food has decreased by 7%. However, the share of those who cut expenditures on clothing and recreation, on the contrary, has increased: over the same period, their share increased from 17% to 25%. These are the results of a nationwide poll of the population conducted by Romir research holding in October. Similar surveys were conducted in 2014 and 2012.
Over 6 years the number of people having to spend more on food and essential goods has increased by 5%. Moreover, the older the respondents, the higher the figures are: in the age group over 60 years this answer was given by 41% of respondents. The reverse trend is observed with saving on clothes or entertainment - only 16% of people struggle with price increase in this way in the category of 60+ years, whereas 33% of young respondents (up to 24 years old) save on clothes and recreation.
Find what worries Russians in 2018.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina