Russian samovars, peasant sundresses, painted caskets, paintings, and many other exhibits can be seen at the Museum of National Russian Art in China.
The museum was founded in the Chinese District of Heihe by artist and collector Liu Henshu, well-known in his country and the Amur Region of Russia. The museum was opened a quarter of a century ago as a private one, and presently the Heihe authorities assist its founder in maintaining it.
In 1988, Liu Henshu first visited the Soviet Union and brought two samovars from that trip. As the artist confesses, he just could not take his eyes off those samovars. They laid the foundation for his collection of Russian arts and crafts. For a quarter of a century, Liu Henshu has made his acquaintance with all the significant artists and collectors of the Amur Region and the Far East. His remarkable collection goes on growing and expanding and the Heihe residents regard the Museum of Russian Art as a local landmark.
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Author: Vera Ivanova